Benefit Farewell

Your pets have given you love, happiness, and made your life more colorful 🌈

When the time comes for them to pass away… They deserve a special last moment just like the ones your pets gave you during their lifetime 🐾❣️

Being in the company of relatives & friends who understand the bond you have with your pets in a Pet Farewell Ceremony makes parting with your pets even more special to remember together and to appreciate the love and loyalty your pets have given you 💞


Pet to Nature, the first Bio-Cremation service in Indonesia.

We are here to provide the necessary assistance with all our heart when your pet passes away 🕊️

📞 0811-888-111-70

#PetToNature #PetToNatureIndonesia
#ForeverWithUs #kremasihewan
#biokremasihewan #Aquamation
#dignifiedfarewell #biocremation
#farewellceremony #griefhome
#petsgriefsupport #griefsupport