Admin / 29 – November -2023 – Dog Hair Loss: Why It Happens and How to Help
Hair loss in dogs often raises concerns and worries for paw parents. Not only does fur loss affect appearance, but it can also be an indicator of a health or maintenance issue that needs attention. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the causes of dog hair loss and provide practical solutions to solve this problem.
Recognize The Causes of Dog Hair Loss:
1. Environmental Factors:
Some dog breeds with thick coats such as the Golden Retriever, Alaskan Malamute, St. Bernard, and Siberian Husky generally live in environments with cold temperatures. But if you live in Indonesia, which has a tropical and hot climate, these dogs will experience hair loss more often.
2. Genetic Factors:
In some dog breeds genetic factors can cause hair loss problems such as in Bulldogs, Dachshunds, and Chihuahuas. This genetic hair loss can usually be seen after birth or when the dog reaches adulthood, and this problem can cause baldness on the ears, chest, abdomen and neck.
3. Unbalanced Nutrition:
Dogs that do not get a balanced nutritious diet, especially lacking in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, may experience hair loss.
4. Lack of Activity and Stress:
Lack of physical activity can cause stress in your dog. One of the most visible symptoms of stress is that your dog often experiences hair loss.
5. Parasitic Infection:
Parasitic infections due to bacteria, fungi, fleas, and mites can cause hair loss. In addition to the problem of shedding, due to fungal infections can cause other problems such as bumps, pustules in certain parts, until the skin becomes scabs and festering.
This parasite infection is contagious so keep your dog with this problem away from other healthy dogs.
6. Allergies:
One of the most common factors of hair loss problems in dogs is allergies. Some allergy triggering factors include food, environment, dust or shampoo and soap products. When allergic the dog’s skin will experience skin irritation and itching so your dog scratches more often and causes hair loss.
7. Hormonal Abnormalities
One of the disorders that can also make dog hair fall out is hormonal disorders. This disorder can make dog hair fall out completely and difficult to grow back. If left untreated, this can cause the dog’s fur to continue to fall out in the long term.
Some diseases due to hormonal disorders that can make dog hair fall out are Cushing’s disease and hypothyroidism. This disease more often affects adult dogs or those aged 5-10 years.
What to Do If Your Dog Has Hair Loss
1. Provide Good Nutrition:
Make sure your dog gets a diet that contains balanced nutrition, especially protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Routine Brushing:
Regular brushing can help reduce shedding and prevent clumps of fur.
3. Choosing the Right Shampoo:
Use specialized shampoos that help keep your dog’s skin and coat moisturized. Choose products that are suitable for the dog’s coat and skin type.
4. Sufficient Physical Activity:
Make sure the dog gets enough physical activity and does not experience excessive stress levels.
5. Routine Health Care:
Consult a veterinarian to ensure the health of the dog’s skin and coat and get specific advice on grooming.
6. Pay Attention to the Change of Season:
In certain seasons, pay extra attention to dog coat care to manage more intense shedding.
Treatment of dog hair loss needs to be tailored to the cause. Therefore, if your beloved dog’s coat falls out frequently, especially if he is experiencing certain symptoms or health problems, you should have his condition checked by a veterinary clinic. The veterinarian can provide appropriate treatment according to the cause.